Our Philosophy

Getting divorced or separating can be a stressful time. We aim to provide you with the information and advice you need to help you through this time.

Your circumstances are unique. It may be that your separation is amicable and you only need advice on a proposed settlement and getting the settlement formalised. Or you may need advice on more urgent requirements like financial support after separation or your time with a child or children.

We will advise you on your options, taking your individual circumstances into account. We understand that good advice is based on a thorough consideration of your situation.

There should be little reason to go to court. Court should always be a last resort.

The better you and your former partner get on, the more likely it is that you will resolve any matters that you do not agree on relatively promptly and cost effectively. There are also priceless benefits to your child or children if your relationship remains workable, open and relatively amicable.

We recommend that you obtain our advice prior to entering into discussions with your former partner.